(661) 396-8827

The Art of Hot Tub Relaxation

Take Your Relaxation to a Whole New Level.

Taking time to relax and destress is an important element of maintaining a balanced life. Being immersed in warm water has been proven to help you relax both physically and mentally, and even helps your body turn down the “fight or flight” response we have to stress. Like hot tubbing, meditation is another tool that can help promote mental health and wellbeing. And, a hot tub can provide the perfect environment to practice your meditation skills.

Consider using your hot tub time to practice regular meditation to really capitalize on your “me time.” Read on to better understand the value of meditation, and how it

The Art of Meditation

Meditation techniques are a great tool to help you relax. Studies have shown that meditation can help reduce stress, lower your heart rate, lessen anxiety, and increase feelings of wellbeing.

However, those skilled in the art of meditation might argue that these benefits are not the true goal of meditation. They would offer that the true goal of meditation is to help the mind detach from things that are outside of its control.

What is Meditation?

The word ‘meditation’ is equivalent to a word like ‘sports.’ “It’s a family of activity, not a single thing,” Dr. Richard J. Davidson, University of Wisconsin neuroscience lab director, told the New York Times.

The techniques for relaxation through meditation are vast, but they all share a common goal – reaching a tranquil state of being. Meditation comes in a variety of forms, like concentration meditation, mindfulness meditation, and tai chi, but we will keep it simple by sticking to some basic descriptions and core techniques.

When you think of meditation, think of it as a way to focus your mind and separate from the mental distractions of the day. For example, the commute home can be replete with distractions, like thinking about what’s for dinner or worrying about a project at work. Amit Sood, author of The Mayo Clinic Guide to Stress-Free Living, describes this state of mind as ‘autopilot daze’ and refers to it as our ‘default mode,’ where we spend about half our time. In it, he says, we’re typically unhappy. Spending too much time in this “daze” can lead to increased risk of depression, anxiety, and attention deficit.

In the driving-home scenario, imagine police car lights show up in your rear view mirror. Now you’re in ‘focus mode.’ Your thoughts shift to the present.  All your distractions are replaced by a clear, single-mindedness. You check your speed, concentrate on the road ahead, and so on. You’re in the moment.

Meditation, Sood told the U.S. News and World Report, is essentially that process of cutting through the brain’s static and finding focus.

Meditating in your hot tub

Can you meditate in your Hot Springs Spas hot tub? Of course! One of the key elements to successful meditation is getting as comfortable as possible. Basking in the warmth of your spa can be an ideal way to relax and achieve a perfect state of comfort.

Is meditation hard to learn?

Like most things in life, meditation takes practice. Check out these basic tips to help you get started:

  • Practice meditating for just two minutes at first. As you feel more comfortable, increase your meditation time little by little.
  • Plan to meditate at the same time every day. Schedule a 20-minute renewal soak in your hot tub every day. This soak can relax your body while you focus on relaxing your mind.
  • As you begin, focus on resting with complete stillness, mindfulness, and awareness.
  • Make comfort your priority. Pick your favorite seat in the hot tub. Remove any distractions, including the hot tub jets. You can easily turn them off and soak quietly.
  • Relax completely. Let your eyes close. Breathe normally through your nose, taking deep breaths as needed.
  • Turn away from the outside world and bring your attention inward. Focus on your breathing. Feel each inhalation and exhalation. Push all thoughts out of your mind and focus completely on the act of breathing.
  • Bring your focus inward and you try to achieve true stillness. As you practice more and more, you will find stillness is easier to accomplish.
  • Don’t be hard on yourself if your thoughts wander (and they will). You’ll get better at it with practice.

Achieving true silence in your mind is the most difficult part, as it is contrary to our mental nature. Keep practicing, as each effort is a great stress reducer!

Your thoughts

Are you a fan of meditation? Have you ever practiced meditating in your Hot Springs Spas hot tub? If you try daily hot tub meditation now, we would love to know how it has worked for you! Have you noticed a decrease in your daily stress?

Interested in more information on meditation? Take a look at these links:



Hot Tubs Plus

4301 Yeager Way
Bakersfield, CA 93313
(661) 396-8827

Visit Us
  • Mon — Fri: 10am to 6pm
  • Sat: 10am to 5pm
  • Sun: 11am to 4pm

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