Hot Tubs Plus
4301 Yeager Way
Bakersfield, CA 93313
(661) 396-8827
Visit Us
- Mon — Fri: 10am to 6pm
- Sat: 10am to 5pm
- Sun: Closed
Soaking in the warm and bubbling water of a hot tub brings health benefits that have long been recognized. Used regularly, hot tub health and wellness ...
Many homeowners dream of owning their own pool. They picture themselves staying fit by exercising, entertaining around the pool, and relaxing in a calm ...
Traditional hot tubs are acrylic meaning the shell, or seating area, is thermo-formed. Acrylic hot tubs have an exterior cabinet, and an internal struct...
Most of us have enjoyed soaking in a hot tub at some point in our life, whether at a hotel, a spa, or even a friend’s house. For some people, that inst...
As you continue to explore your hot tubbing options, you’ve most likely discovered that not all hot tubs are created equal. There are lots of options a...
Hot tubbing in light rain is among the more pleasant experiences in life. The warm water of the spa soothes your muscles and joints, and relaxes your min...
We're now well into the “New Year's resolution season.” People have been hitting the gym in droves, dedicating more time to family, changing their d...
4301 Yeager Way
Bakersfield, CA 93313
(661) 396-8827
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